Timeproof art printmaking studio was developed by artist b a a l a a . r initiated early 90s named later on. infrastructure developed 2007 now established 2500 sqft space for working area under the roof beside 600sqft semi-roofing. Facilitated with plane harden-concrete floor surrounded with 10ft x 5ft plenty of cupboards for storage and apex 1500sqft loft area. Etching press room equipped with roller stand and ink-rolling bed with accessory storage area with dust-proof room. In the front working space area with table top. One kitchen one mezzanine floor for bed.
In2006 - 07 etching-press was developed. After doing R&D designed motorised auto cut-off worm-gear etching-press. Total machine length 12ft width 4ft height 6ft. 6ft x 3ft one-inch thick mild steel bed. Top roller dia 27cm bottom roller dia 27cm which gives more strength to achieve expandable surface pressure on felt bed. The uncommon warm-gear used for press reduces the direct vibration from motor. one full rotation of the pressure adjustment wheel gives 1mm divided into 4 micro variations of pressure. After running to 6ft bed stops by auto cut-off switch. The outcome of prints can be achieved and any type of embosses in highly precise way.
Its primary aim is to identify the creativity of young talents, stimulate them towards an appropriate direction. Consequently, lot of youngsters were stimulated and they also practise all the primary elements of the work of art by merging the gap between aesthetic sense and sensitivity.
Many students from the college of fine arts come to do their academic project work in the studio and also qualified students get knowledge through experiencing the process for approximately 2 to 3 years, in the process they learn all kind of experiments with technical knowledge and material implementations.
In this sequence many youngsters have emerged from timeproof studio and living as a fulltime artist. As a result, one can witness the art scenario of Chennai broke its conventional boundaries after 90s and practicing multi-disciplinary aspects.
Now planning for etching-workshops for those who want to be upgraded as a professional printmaker. The programme consists various methods of etching and how to take prints in various types of materials. This is a unique programme to achieve most of the techniques and material-explorations, designed in such a way that it has uncommon quality in the language of print-making.